The island's eviction moratorium is about to expire, which means landlords can start the process of kicking out tenants who haven't been paying their rent.
The resort completed extensive archaeological testing, which found no historical properties in 27 test trenches.
The resort completed extensive archaeological testing, which found no historical properties in 27 test trenches.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says it has completed the final modular home at the Kilohana group housing ...
The first survivor households moved into the completed Kilohana units Nov. 22, 2024, with the remaining temporary homes ...
After 13 months of work, FEMA completed the construction of 167 temporary homes for Lahaina fire survivors on a hillside ...
SURFER: What does it mean to join the Championship Tour as a surfer from Maui? Jackson Bunch: I'm been looking up to the Maui ...
Maui County begins recovery after storms, with water advisories, infrastructure repairs, and resumed services.
Jeff Bezos‘ fiancée, Lauren Sánchez, and her friends were caught partying on the billionaire’s superyacht, Koru, as it ...
The University of Hawaiʻi Maui College is proud to announce the launch of the 2025 Maui Strong Fellowship Program, an ...
Maui faces severe winter storm with officials closing offices and urging residents to prepare for harsh conditions including ...
A Hawaii law that sought compensate those who were wrongfully convicted hasn't helped anyone who has sought relief because it requires proof of innocence. Defense attorneys and even state supreme ...