Some homeopathic products that are marketed for young children are not FDA approved and may be useless or even dangerous.
Contact the pediatrician for a prescription with a safe dosage of children’s cough medicine. Point to consider Sleeping slightly inclined with an extra pillow can help reduce nighttime cough in ...
This began an hours-long conversation in which he admitted to buying the cough pills and ... found in anyone’s medicine cabinet or purse. Have all the talks with your kids, but add this one ...
If your child's over four, you can also talk to your doctor about an over-the-counter cough medicine ... You don't want him infecting other children. So when he coughs, teach him to cough into ...
Most cough medicines don't work ... Pretty much every “children’s” cold medicine is garbage. After all, the ones with decongestants and antihistamines aren’t considered safe for kids ...
This is the first study to comprehensively evaluate children with chronic cough and without a selective workup. Our study suggests that among children with chronic cough (ie, cough of > 8 weeks ...