WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Dan Driscoll to be the next Army secretary, voting 66-28 to put the former soldier and Iraq War veteran at the helm of the service. Driscoll ...
WASHINGTON — The Army announced it will decommission Army Google Workspace accounts on February 28, 2025. Users must manually forward their email data to their new Army 365 (@army.mil ...
ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed Dan Driscoll as the next Secretary of the Army, voting 66-28 in favor of the Iraq War veteran and former soldier. At 38, Driscoll takes on ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Dan Driscoll to be the next Army secretary, voting 66-28 to put the former soldier and Iraq War veteran at the helm of the service. Driscoll ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Dan Driscoll to be the next Army secretary, voting 66-28 to put the former soldier and Iraq War veteran at the helm of the service. Driscoll, 38, of ...