A powerful storm revealed odd formations on the seabed off the coast of this African country, unveiling an entirely forgotten ...
Arcadia has a long history both as an actual location and as an inspiration for artists and poets as an idyllic environment.
Archaeologists have made an incredible discovery of what lies beneath a temple and is considered to be a "geometric miracle".
Laura Jane Grace played her new song, “Your God (God’s Dick),” at a Bernie Sanders event in Wisconsin. The right was not happy.
The project was soon dubbed 'Reviving the Ancient City of Gold' and slowly led to the restoration of this ancient site. It ...
Greece’s National Gallery says a Greek lawmaker attacked four paintings in an exhibition, including one he had previously ...
Konstantinos never migrated to Australia, but his son, Michael who was imprisoned for his communist beliefs in Chania, ...
The ancient Greeks and Romans built astonishing monuments like the Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and while only the Great Pyramid of Giza remains intact, we’ve ...
The oldest written recipe found in Egypt is dated back to approximately the year 300 AD, and it was written on papyrus in the ...
Many important ancient Greek women—poets, philosophers, and leaders— defied norms and shaped history for generations.
These seven remarkable women represents just a fraction of the countless Greek women who have shaped history. Their stories ...