Great Northern Fair Board members met Tuesday Feb. 18 and voted to change prices on open riding contracts, to update camping weekly rates, and to review spring and summer events. The open riding ...
It was announced at a meeting of the St. Mary Rehabilitation Working group in Havre last Thursday that Department of Interior funds set to pay for repairs to the St. Mary Diversion System were ...
Dear editor, As an edocrinologist, I am concerned about the nearly 2 percent of humans born intersex and how they live, serve and receive health care in this new dystopia and the ramification of being ...
By Emily Mayer A century ago, the country celebrated two United States Presidents during the month of February; Abraham Lincoln on February 12, and George Washington on February 22. The day was spent ...
Sunday morning when six of us sat around the wooden table at Molletes, sipping our drinks and waiting for our food to be delivered, one plate at a time, as is the restaurant way in Mexico, the ...
To Havreite seniors and caregivers I have received from Medicare a summary that shows a fraudulent billing to me for over $8,000. The doctor was a K. E. Lien that supposedly ordered this product. I ...
Phil Galewitz KFFHealth News Medicaid is under threat — again. Republicans, who narrowly control Congress, are pushing proposals that could sharply cut funding to the government health insurance ...
Dear editor, Thank you Montana Senate for acting responsibly, in a bipartisan way. To bring order into chaos last Monday night. Our federal government currently seeks chaos on all issues. The ...
Editor, Long ago (630 BC) and in a place far away (Mesambria Colony in Greece) a child was born and was named Aesop. He became known for his skillful presentation of life lessons, and principles, ...