A team of scientists from Princeton University has measured the energies of electrons in a new class of quantum materials and ...
Researchers observed a long-predicted fractal energy pattern in twisted carbon materials, confirming quantum theories.
Fractals in Nature,” a new exhibit that takes visitors on a deep dive into fractals, starting Saturday at the museum. (Bonus: The museum is holding one of its free admission days on the ...
Trees depicted in the artwork of famous painters like Leonardo da Vinci and Piet Mondrian follow the math behind their branching pattern in nature, a new study says. At such a critical moment in US ...
In an urban setting, it’s easy to feel disconnected from nature. Cities are growing rapidly, and our lives are becoming more ...
Blood vessels in tumors regressing after hormone removal had the notable characteristics of not only reducing their overall density but also returning to fractal scaling and function similar to ...
1. Fractals and Self-Similarity Across Scales Concept: Fractals are patterns that repeat at different scales, like a fern leaf. Nature is full of patterns where if you zoom in and out, you see the ...