GENEVA - The U.N. human rights office said on Tuesday it has received termination notices from the U.S. government for five ...
If people thought Iraq and Afghanistan were drawn-out quagmires, just wait until the military takes on the cartels.
"There are some countries where we will have to cut back on some of our work, including Colombia, including Iraq, and in other places we're ... was previously the top donor to the U.N. human ...
Saltzman said the Space Force categorizes adversarial space weapons in six categories—three that are space-based and three ...
South Korea coach Hong Myung-bo has called up 28 players for home World Cup qualifiers against Oman and Jordan later this ...
Many Iowans only know the name Marco Polo from a kids’ swimming pool game, but a guest lecturer who’ll be in central Iowa ...
Every time I read that the strategy of the Trump team is “shock and awe” — a rapid, massive, multifront takeover of the U.S.
Karl Hinett, Jason ‘Foxy’ Fox, Aldo Kane and Brian Wood have become the first team to complete the Montane Lapland Arctic ...