Some European governments are afraid that Putin may turn his armies their way after Ukraine. They worry President-elect Trump may not help if Russia attacks.
Targeting French patrol craft that were in international waters seems like an aggressive action. But Moscow would likely claim this was self-defense.
Current local time in Kaliningrad (Europe/Kaliningrad timezone). Get information about the Europe/Kaliningrad time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all cities/countries belonging to ...
Lithuania is going to dismantle power transmission lines connecting it with Russia’s Kaliningrad Region and Belarus after it leaves
A draft law winding its way through parliament would see the border shut for 60 days if Warsaw suspects that migrants are being 'weaponized'
Higher defense spending will not be financed by cutting the welfare state but by combining national and EU money, Dovilė Šakalienė told POLITICO.
Following a series of suspicious sabotage incidents, NATO countries have implemented patrols in the Baltic Sea to monitor the activities of Russian ships suspected of targeting undersea cables. This sea,
Russian President Putin has made it clear that he is willing to negotiate with the US about the war in Ukraine, but will only accept a full capitulation by Ukraine, including territorial concessions and neutrality with Western powers.
The balance of power is shifting in Europe, and NATO member Poland is on track to surpass Russia in terms of having more tanks and armored vehicles. Two factors are at play—both tied to the war in Ukraine.
Kiev's partners are considering the possibility of sending troops to the front line in case of a ceasefire to deter Putin. Paris and London lead a proposal that Spain does not rule out. Olexander, a veteran of the Ukrainian special forces,
A boy plays in the snow during Siberia's notoriously cold winter.
There was an increase in sea and air traffic in northwestern Russia. According to Vinogradov, the number of aircraft that crossed the border in the area controlled by the Northwestern Customs Department grew 33%, alongside a 3% increase in the number of ships.