A drunk reveller who punched a taxi driver to the ground in a "disgraceful" and unprovoked attack has been ordered to pay ...
A MAN and his dog have been killed by a car that “flipped” on top of them after crashing into a taxi. The black car was ...
A Liverpool taxi company is preparing for a huge court showdown with Uber in a bid to block a judgement that it says could ...
A Kent taxi driver secured £130,000 in loans from the government during the pandemic by falsley inflating his firms’ turnover.
Two British taxi firms are crowdfunding to fight Uber over VAT on rides. The Supreme Court case could add 20% to fares ...
Singh, formerly of Gloucester, was working as a taxi driver in November 2021 when he picked up a woman and, instead of taking ...
A Liverpool taxi driver's depraved secret life was exposed after he was caught secretly filming people in a cinema toilet ...
“Detectives were notified that the suspects had booked another taxi and this was relayed to uniformed colleagues, who were ...
Daniel Albertina was caught in the act filming a teenager on his mobile phone underneath the walls of a cubicle.
Enso has been working its way into the tire industry since 2016. The firm has created the T1XB specifically for LEVC's ...
Southampton City Council has assured the Echo that there are a number of safety measures in place to ensure dangerous drivers ...
A Scots taxi driver refused to take a guide dog in his vehicle until he was threatened with being reported, a committee heard ...