Muslims who wanted to select his successor ... This group was called Shia Ali, or ‘Party of Ali’, from which comes the word Shia. While the main responsibility of Sunni Caliphs was to maintain ...
The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented more than 740 civilians killed in the coastal cities of Latakia, ...
According to Muslim tradition, Muhammad’s prophetic status was well-established among his followers before his death. However ...
A television series about the life of the Umayyad caliph, Muawiya, titled "Mo'awey," which was banned in Iraq due to the ...
One of the most crucial differences between Shia and Sunni Muslims is the importance that the Shiites give to Ali, whom the Sunni do not recognize as being the Prophet's rightful successor.
Show portraying life of first Umayyad caliph banned in Iraq over sectarian tension fears and criticised in Egypt over ...
2 Most are Imami Shia Muslims, recognizing the leadership of a succession of twelve Imams beginning with the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law Ali. A minority are Ismaili Shia, who look for leadership ...
Shia Muslims who mourn the martyrdom of Imam Hussain ibn Ali and his companions through various rituals and gatherings. These rituals include processions, recitation of elegies (Marsiya ...
A caravan of Shia Muslims from Uzbekistan has paid a visit to Imam Reza shrine on the eve of holy month of Ramadan.