I fell silent after that for a couple of days ... in 1864 - unfortunately it was partly destroyed during the liberation of Mosul and it was unsuitable to live there, especially with my children.
Since January 2019 he has been the Chaldean archbishop of Mosul, a metropolis in northern ... obtained a place at UNESCO only a few years after liberation’ from ISIS, the prelate continues.
Hardly a stone left unturned: Mosul was devastated after the liberation in 2017Image: Khalil Dawood/Xinhua News Agency/picture-alliance The restoration of the Al-Hadba minaret, which is part of ...
An ISIS militant uses a power tool to destroy an Assyrian winged bull at the Mosul Museum, Iraq. Ten years ago, the world witnessed a tragic moment as Daesh, a terrorist organization, filmed the ...
raising questions about civilian safety as Iraq's Shia-led government tries to avoid alienating Mosul's mostly Sunni population. U.S. Army chief of staff Gen. Mark Milley, after meeting Iraqi ...
“Hearing the bells of the churches ring again after eight years is the most wonderful feeling. I hope it will encourage Christians to return to Mosul,” said Aws Hasso, a Christian from Mosu ...
I fell silent after that for a couple of days ... "My house was built in 1864 - unfortunately it was partly destroyed during the liberation of Mosul and it was unsuitable to live there, especially ...
On Wednesday, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay visited Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, to witness the achievements and landmarks that have been rebuilt after the devastation inflicted by ...