Since Oct. 16, when Iraqi forces launched a large-scale offensive on Mosul to dislodge ISIS fighters, more than a hundred villages have been liberated. But the battle for Mosul continues.
In the APs first long-form 360 video project, Middle East Photo Editor Maya Alleruzzo teamed up with video editor Claudia Prat to produce a riveting and harrowing video, “House to House: The Battle ...
Photographer Emanuele Satolli has been covering the battle for Mosul since it first started. He recently returned as Iraqi forces work to free western neighborhoods from the deadly grip of ISIS.
In the brutal battle for Mosul, the 1st Battalion is at the tip of the spear. Their job is to push into the city, killing or capturing ISIS fighters who are hiding among the local population.
So, the minaret must be visible from the outer limits of Mosul? Yeah. You can see it in many parts. Even during the deliberation battle ... Well, according to the footage circulated on social ...
dismissing the pushback as “a normal thing in any battle.” The development appeared to underscore the fragility of military victories against the Islamic State in Mosul, where forces exhausted ...
For Iraq’s future — and to end the threat ISIS poses to the West — the battle for Mosul will be of critical importance.
She had seen it already, from afar—in news footage, on social media ... By February 2017, the Battle for Mosul had been underway for four months, and Iraqi forces had taken control of the ...